Porting an Android game to WP7 – #1 Introduction
January 25, 2012
Creation of an Android game – #4 Domain Entities
January 29, 2012Grab And Run Update 1.1 Released

Grab and Run Featured
Thanks to BugSense.com I could notice a couple of bugs in the first release of Grab And Run .
The 1.1 version has already been release in both the Android Market and SlideMe.org.
Let me spend one more word on this bug reporting service (free!) which I found really interesting. It requires just a couple of lines of code, and it’s able to report managed and unhandled exception to the server, with the full stack trace and device information.
Here’s a screenshots:
It also has an e-mail notification service I found really helpful!
I highly recommend this library for your project, it will make your life a lot easier!