Grab and Run Featured
Grab And Run 1.4 Released
February 17, 2012
Tap That Building Promo
Tap That Building Released!
April 7, 2012
Grab and Run Featured
Grab And Run 1.4 Released
February 17, 2012
Tap That Building Promo
Tap That Building Released!
April 7, 2012

Grab And Run Released to the Windows Phone Marketplace

Grab and Run Featured

Grab and Run Featured

Today finally the game was published on the Windows Marketplace!

It took about 4 days for the certification, and 1 more day to see it published on the market.

I’m just curious now to see how many downloads it will hit.. i’m counting on at least 10 !! XD

Here’s the link to download the App:

Available in Windows Marketplace
Grab And Run on the Windows Marketplace

I’ll try to continue my tutorials as soon as possibile!

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